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Salmon Oil For Dog Allergies: Does It Really Work?

Cocker Spaniel Sitting in the Woods

It’s not just people who can have allergies–dogs can have them too! Nobody wants to see their canine best friend suffering from allergy symptoms, and many parents are trying salmon oil to give Rover some relief. This trend may have left you wondering if salmon oil really works for dog allergies.

What Are Dog Allergies?

Allergies in dogs are actually more common than you may realize. In fact, it is estimated that around 10% of dogs have allergies. But what exactly are allergies?

The term ‘allergies’ describes something that could cause an allergic reaction for you or your pet. This is when the body comes into contact with something that is not typically harmful, and has an out of proportion reaction to it. Essentially, the body sees the trigger, or allergen, as something that is harmful, and produces a response to protect itself. The trigger can be a food item or something in the environment.


Some dogs have food allergies, which means that certain foods will need to be eliminated from their diet. Dogs can also have food intolerances, which is not quite the same thing, and will not produce the same reaction.

Food allergies are usually genetic, and are triggered when the dog is exposed to the allergen. The most common food allergies in dogs are beef, lamb, pork, rabbit, chicken, fish, dairy, wheat, soy, and egg.


Environmental allergies are when the allergen is something in the outside world. Some people refer to environmental allergies as seasonal allergies, however, this does not mean that they are limited to specific times of the year.

What Are The Most Common Allergies Dogs Have?

The most common allergies that dogs can have include:

  • Food
  • Dust
  • Fleas
  • Flea control
  • Mites
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Dander
  • Fabrics
  • Feathers
  • Grass pollens
  • Tree pollens
  • Weeds
  • Mold
  • Perfume
  • Dyes
  • Insecticides
  • Medications
  • Medicated shampoos
  • Rubber
  • Plastic

What Symptoms Are Seen With Dog Allergies?

The exactsymptoms of an allergy does depend on what is the trigger of the allergic reaction.

Skin Allergies

Some of the symptoms of  skin allergies can include itching, irritation, redness, and oozing. You may notice that your dog starts biting or scratching their skin excessively. He may lick at the area excessively. If the itchiness seems to be on their back, or at the base of the tail, it could indicate that they have an allergy to fleas.

If your dog is having severe allergic reactions, you may notice that they have scabs on their skin, or lesions. Sometimes, they can have minor, or extreme hair loss. You may also notice that they have a secondary bacterial, or yeast infection on their skin. You may even notice a change in their skin texture and pigmentation.

Stomach Issues

Stomach issues can be a symptom of allergies. You may notice they have diarrhea or vomiting. They may seem ‘off’ or looking to chew to try to settle their stomach. They will not only exhibit stomach issues, and will often show other symptoms as well.

Other Symptoms

Other symptoms of allergies can include:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Discharge from the eyes, or a bloodshot look
  • Ear infectionsand inflammation
  • Coughing, and other signs of asthma
  • Excessive sneezing
  • Discharge from the nose
  • Swelling in the paws
  • Chewing the paws, and other body parts
  • Snoring, and other signs of a sore throat

What Can Dog Allergies Lead To?

The outcome of your dog's allergies depends on the severity of the allergic reaction. In many cases, your vet will give you lifestyle advice, such as changing your pet’s diet, and possibly medication to treat the reaction. Severe cases can cause long term damage, or even death, so if your dog has a severe reaction to an allergen, they should see an emergency veterinarian as soon as possible.

What Is Salmon Oil?

Salmon Oil is an Omega-3 supplement made from salmon. It can be made from either ‘wild-caught’ salmon or ‘sea-farmed’ salmon. In most cases, wild salmon is preferred over farmed salmon; however, for salmon oil, farmed salmon is better. It contains more omega-6 than wild salmon, and it has a shorter harvesting and processing time. This means that it is fresher when it reaches you and your dog.

Man Holding Salmon Fish Out of Water

Salmon oil has three types of omega-3 fatty acids. It has EPA, DHA, and ALA. EPA and DHA are long-chain fatty acids, and are known for aiding in brain development. ALA is a short-chain fatty acid which is known for fighting free radicals.

What Does Salmon Oil Help With?

Your dogs can greatly benefit from salmon oilIt can help your dog with a magnitude of issues, from allergies, to their overall health.


Salmon oil can help reduce inflammation in the body. This inflammation may be in the stomach or intestines, but salmon oil can also help ease joint inflammation, and symptoms of other conditions.


Salmon oil can help you treat and manage your dog’s allergies. It can help strengthen the skin, and create a barrier against allergens. This means that when your dog comes into contact with the allergen, their body will not have the same over the top reaction to it. This can help your dog maintain a healthy immune system as well.


Salmon oil helps from the inside out. It creates a good environment inside your dog’s body for coat development. This means that salmon oil can make your dog’s coat shiny, soft and healthy.

Overall Health

The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon oil can also help to maintain your dog’s overall health. It helps maintain and improve cognitive function. It helps keep the liver, kidneys, heart functioning as they should be.

How Do You Give Salmon Oil To Dogs?

Most salmon oil for dogs comes in liquid form and some are available in a pump bottle to make it easier for you to give it to your dog. Some dogs may eat it off a spoon, like a treat, but other pet parents mix it through regular food. The dose will depend on the size of your dog. A good guideline is:

  • 4 ml for 0-26lbs dogs
  • 8ml for 26-53lbs dogs
  • 12ml for 53-106lbs dogs
  • 16ml for dog 106lbs and over

What Kind Of Salmon Oil Should You Look For?

The most important thing you need to look for is salmon oil that is safe for dogs. As long as the oil is dog safe, the only other thing you need to be sure of is that you buy the best quality available within your budget.

Salmon oil can help give your dog some relief from their allergies, as long as they are not allergic to salmon! You should check with their vet before giving your dog any supplements, especially if they are on any other medications.

Our Pick for Best Salmon Oil

When looking for the best quality salmon oil we pick  Natural Doggie Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil. Natural Doggie Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil is the freshest of all oils we tested. It consists of wild Alaskan salmon, these special fish have spent their entire life foraging on the nutrient-rich diet in the waters of Alaska.

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Meet The Author 

Grant Withers

Canine Specialist & Writer

Grant is an award-winning writer for SitStay with a passion for pets and especially dogs! Grant loves writing about furry little goofballs and aims to educate pet parents about anything and everything regarding their dogs.

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