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9 Fun Things to do with Your Dog This Summer

A woman and a golden retriever sitting on a ledge looking out at the lake.

Summertime is right around the corner and most of us are dying to get out and just go outside. Our dogs are wanting the same thing!

There are several activities you can do with your dog inside and outside, but for now, let's just focus on the things we can do outside.

1. Take a Hike

All dogs love going on walks, but why not take an even longer walk at an even cooler place. Make a road trip out of it and go somewhere completely new. Before you do, make sure your dog is well socialized and that the temperature is not too hot. Also, make sure to bring water for both of you so you don’t get dehydrated. Some of the best places to take your dog on a hike are:

  • Acadia National Park, Maine
  • Fairmount Park, Pennsylvania
  • Lake Dorothy, Washington
  • Red Rock Canyon, Nevada
  • And even the Appalachian Trail

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2. Go Camping

There is nothing more relaxing than a nice camping trip on a lake or river with your dog. You can even ask your friends and their dogs to come too! Before you go camping, make sure to research campsites and make sure to pack all the right gear you will need for your pup. But most of all, just remember to have fun!

3. Go on a Picnic

Have a picnic close to a dog park or go to another park with a great view of a lake, river, or city. Pack your food, and maybe even include a little something special for fido. Bring a leashand maybe take them on a walk around the park, or if the park is fenced in and okay with letting dogs run loose, let them run around. Before you go, research what parks in your area allow pets and look at the rules for bringing pets as well.

4. Play in a Pool

It never hurts to get a little wet. Turn on the sprinklers and run through it with your dog or have some fun with the hose. Or if you have a pool or a kitty pool, let your dog swim in it and jump in with them. This is not only fun for dogs but can be a great exercise. Make sure your pup has the proper swim training and your pool is ready for a dog. Sometimes, puppies or dogs just aren't interested in swimming at all and that’s okay. This is when you could use a sprinkler system or a hose to play with them.

5. Have a Day out in the City

Go on a trip to your favorite outdoor cafe and take your dog with you! Drink a cup of coffee and read a book while your dog sips on his water bowl and watches people walk around. Explore a new portion of the city together or go to a pet store together, just make sure you watch them in the treat section. 

Research and see if there are any outdoor events going on in your city like a drive-in movie theatre, concert, or farmer’s market and take your dog there as well! And if you have a shorter commute to the city, you can take your bike and put them in the basket or a buggy behind your bike.

6. Go to the Beach

A family of four and their chocolate lab running on the beach

Do you live by a beach? If so, take advantage of it! Take your dog for a walk along the beach or play in the water there! Other things you could do at the beach could be building sandcastles. Your dog may not know how to build one but I’m sure they would love digging in the sand beside you. 

You could also learn to paddleboard together! Make sure you equip them with a lifejacket and keep a close eye on them. And finally, after a long day of swimming, digging, and paddleboarding, you can both sit under the umbrella and watch the sunset. Before your beach trip, research beaches nearby that are dog friendly and bring plenty of toys, extra towels, plenty of water, food, and of course doggy bags!

7. Make Summer Treats 

We all love cold summer treats like ice cream, popsicles, and even a nice cold adult beverage when it’s boiling hot outside. Maybe our dogs will too! There are tons of recipes you can make for your dog when it’s hot outside. You could also try freezing their toys to keep them refreshed while they play or give them ice cubes to chew on for after they are done.

8. Go on a Ride

It can be very refreshing to take a long car ride with your dog and have the windows rolled down. But a car ride isn’t the only way you can have fun with your dog. You could also take a boat ride on the lake and go fishing or swimming with your friends. You could also take a bike ride through the city, countryside, or on a trail. Always make sure to bring doggy bags, water, food, and a leash (just in case you want to go on a walk somewhere too) if you choose to go on a ride.

9. Throw a Pet BBQ Party

BBQ is one of the classic summer foods. And having a BBQ party is a good time to invite friends over, swim, eat, laugh, and play games. And of course, our dogs are there too and having fun, but why not have your friends bring their dogs over and make dog-specific BBQ food. Pick a theme, get some treats, prep the pool, and have fun! Make sure your dog and all your friends' dogs are well socialized before you throw a puppy party.

Summertime is the perfect opportunity to hang out with friends and your dog and just enjoy spending time together. Soak up the sun and make the most of this year’s summer!

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Meet The Author 

Grant Withers

Canine Specialist & Writer

Grant is an award-winning writer for SitStay with a passion for pets and especially dogs! Grant loves writing about furry little goofballs and aims to educate pet parents about anything and everything regarding their dogs.

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