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CBD Oil: Does it Help with Separation Anxiety in Dogs?

Pointy eared black dog looking anxious under an orange blanket

Does your pup get nervous when you leave the house? Anxious when you’re not around? Separation anxiety is an issue for dogs, just like it is for humans, and it can be detrimental to their health and well-being. CBD Oil is a newer item to most with furry friends, but it can be a huge help in calming your pupper’s nervous energy. Separation anxiety has become more widely understood by dog lovers in the last few years, and many will already be familiar with the term. But what exactly is separation anxiety, and what causes it?

What causes separation anxiety in dogs?

Separation anxiety is a mental state that your dog can experience when you’re away from them. Dogs can experience anxiety the same as their humans can, and often those that are overly-attached to a specific human companion can show anything from a soft melancholy to a wild panic when separated from them. Dogs displaying signs of separation anxiety have the potential to become destructive if their panic levels rise too high.

Separation anxiety is sometimes blamed on poor training, but it is more linked to a strong bond with one specific person. Pups that grow very close with their human or a certain member of their family can experience panic when separated from that individual, and it’s important to remember that this is an emotional condition. It’s now thought that between 20%-40% of behavioral cases in dogs are related to separation issues.

Note that this issue is different than isolation anxiety, which only occurs when the pup is left completely alone. Separation anxiety is present when the dog is separated from one specific person, even if there are other people and pets around to keep them company.

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Symptoms of separation anxiety

Your pupper will begin to display consistent signs of nervous energy when they experience separation anxiety.

  • Pacing: Your pup will attempt to vent some of its anxiety by pacing back and forth, walking the same spots in a room over and over again.
  • Panting: Though they may have been resting moments before when your furry friend realizes you’re about to leave it may begin panting. Much like a human with anxiety issues, heavy breathing can be a sign of panic.
  • Shaking: Your dog might begin to tremble. Like the pacing and panting, this is a physical manifestation of their nervous energy.
  • Urinating and defecating: Even a house-trained pup may lose control of their bowels when separation anxiety kicks in, causing a mess for you to have to clean up.
  • Whining: A whimper and a whine may indicate that your pupper is getting nervous!
  • Anti-Social Behavior: Isolation and separation anxiety are two different things, and it is important to know the difference. Dogs with separation anxiety may display anti-social behavior, even when with other humans or dogs. They simply won’t want to be around anyone but their bonded human.

Why use CBD Oil to combat separation anxiety?

yellow lab looking sad laying in a dark room

Cannabidiol, or CBD Oil, is a compound found in hemp and cannabis that is specifically separate from THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol It is important to know that CBD Oil will not get your dog high! In fact, Cannabidiol is now being used for both humans and dogs as a natural supplement for pain management, calming anxiety, allergies, and even conditions like cancer, epilepsy, or digestive issues.

Humans and dogs have a system in their bodies known as the endocannabinoid system. Like you, puppers have receptors in their nervous systems, organs, and brains that naturally release endocannabinoid chemicals to stabilize mood. CBD Oil can interact with this system as a supplement, increasing levels of serotonin in the brain and calming the individual.

All of these things can create a calming effect on your furry friend, easing their anxiety and helping them to cope with separation from their favorite human. While the effects of CBD Oil are not yet fully understood, the testing and research have yielded positive results for humans and puppers alike and we continue to learn more each day!

How to give CBD Oil to pets

White and brown dog looking anxious laying on the kitchen floor

While it may have some great benefits for your dog, the taste and texture might not be something they have a craving for. Fear not! There are many ways to sneak the CBD Oil into their diet. Try the following methods out and see if any of them work for you!

  • Mix it with a treat: Every dog has a favorite snack, and combining it with CBD Oil can be a perfect delivery system! If the taste is the issue for your pup then make sure you’re using a treat with a rather strong flavor.
  • Pre-infused CBD products: There are a variety of treats available with CBD Oil already infused into them. Researching these might not only put a smile on your pup’s face but calm their anxiety as well!
  • Put CBD Oil in their food: Most dogs won’t turn down their daily meals, so mixing CDB Oil with their regular food can be an effective delivery system. This helps you regulate their diet without reliance on treats to get the oil into their system.
  • Just pop it in their mouth: Some dogs are just too picky about taste and texture to accept CBD Oil in the form of a treat or in their food. If your furry friend is like this, just take a dropper or a spoon and apply it directly to their mouth. This can be a quick and effective method of delivery for pups that just won’t accept it any other way.

Like with all supplements, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian before using CBD Oil for your companion. Their weight, age, and diet will all help to determine how much to use.

Where to get CBD Oil?

It’s important to research your sources for CBD Oil and to purchase it from a reputable source, reading reviews and ingredient lists before checking out. SitStay has been providing quality pet products for over twenty years, and you can purchase their favorite Natural Doggies organic and natural CBD Oil from their online store.

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Separation anxiety in dogs is never a fun obstacle to overcome but there are finally ways to help. CBD oil is an increasingly favored option for many dog owners who have pups that face separation anxiety. It addresses the problem in an easy and fast way allowing both you and your dog to feel comfortable and worry-free throughout the day.

Meet The Author 

Grant Withers

Canine Specialist & Writer

Grant is an award-winning writer for SitStay with a passion for pets and especially dogs! Grant loves writing about furry little goofballs and aims to educate pet parents about anything and everything regarding their dogs.

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