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Natural Treatments & Herbal Remedies For Pets, Do's and Don't's

SitStay Blog Natural Treatments & Herbal Remedies For Pets, Do's and Don't's

Many of us are traveling down a much healthier, more organic, path these days focusing on herbal remedies and natural treatments that are not full of harmful chemicals and other unhealthy by-products. The same can be true for our four-legged friends who can benefit from healthier alternatives rather than more traditional 20th Century medicines.


Herbal remedies to try...

Herbal remedies aren’t just for humans anymore; many of these methods can also be used on our pets. Our pet's health can benefit from many natural and easy to get products! There are many ways that natural treatments and herbs can assist our animals with problems such as:

  • Abrasions (coconut oil)
  • Arthritis (licorice root)
  • Bad Breath (marigosa and peppermint leaves)
  • Digestive issues (pumpkin and ginger)
  • Eye problems (almond or castor oil)
  • Fleas, ticks and lice (diatomaceous earth)
  • Fur or hair odors (lavender)
  • Kidney trouble (electrolyte solutions such as Lactated Ringers or Sodium Chloride - 0.9%)
  • Nervousness (chamomile, along with vitamins and nutrients available in chew form)
  • Urinary, incontinence and bladder issues (cranberries and blueberries)
  • Worms (Wormwood or carrots)

Even though most home cures, herbs, and natural treatments, are safe for pets not all animals react the same way to different ingredients. Some animals could have allergic reactions to certain ingredients. Or a topical solution could irritate the skin instead of relieving the symptoms. For these reasons, you should always start out with a low dosage or amount to see how your pet tolerates this new addition to their diet or topical treatments.


These are ingredients to avoid or be careful around...

In all situations, avoid these ingredients that can be harmful to animals especially in high doses:

  • Amica
  • Comfrey
  • Some essential oils
  • Garlic
  • Ginko
  • Lobelia
  • Pennyroyal
  • Saint John’s Wort
  • Tea Tree Oil – exposed in high doses, anything higher than .1 or 1% concentration.

These herbs and ingredients have the possibility of being toxic if ingested by animals. It is recommended that these only be used under the direct recommendation and supervision of a veterinarian or licensed herbalist.

Here are some simple ways to administer these treatments:

Topical treatments such as coconut oil are simple enough to apply to an affected area, but herbal remedies can be a little bit tricky. There are two popular methods of breaking down these substances to safely administer them to your pet; infusion and decoction.

With infusion, you can use fresh or dried herbs, leaves, flowers or powders and make a tea.

1. Pour one cup of water over one tablespoon of the substance in a glass or cup.

2. Cover the mixture and stir occasionally for ten to fifteen minutes until dissolved.

3. Pour the mixture through a coffee filter and add it to your pet’s food.

Decoction is very similar and is used on hard herbs like roots or bark. Place a teaspoon of the ingredient into a pot with a cup of cold water. Bring to a boil and continue to cook for five to ten minutes. Remove from the heat and allow the mixture to cool before running it through a coffee filter and adding it to your pet’s food.

When administered correctly, these natural treatments offer tremendous benefits for our beloved pets, but be sure to contact a licensed veterinarian or professional herbalist before changing your animal’s diet or administering any type of topical solutions. It is vital to make sure the problem you wish to treat with herbs is not something more serious and life threatening. Once your pet is given the green light to go ahead with your home treatment, there is a good chance that natural and herbal medicine will succeed where other methods have failed to help your pet live a happier and healthier life!

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