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Omega 3 For Dogs: The Ultimate Guide

Two Brown Puppies Sitting On Brick in front of the lawn

Omega 3 is a compound that is incredibly beneficial for our furry friends and this is usually obtained through eating while they are in the wild. Nowadays it can be hard for dogs to get Omega 3s in their diet with their limited foods though it is still possible. Luckily there are many supplements for our K9 companions that contain omega 3 for dogs.

What are Omega 3s for dogs?

There are three different common Omega 3 fatty acids for dogs, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Omega 3s are a common fatty acid supplement that is becoming very popular to use in dogs. This supplement has been proven to help with allergies, skin disease, heart and kidney disease, lymphoma and much more. This is a great supplement to add to your pet's diet.

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Fatty Acids (good and bad)

While most fatty acids are a very good supplement to add to your pet diet. There is also some side effects of the supplement, especially if giving way to much. Usually, with taking to much of any supplement, your pet will just need to wait for the side effects to go away but if you notice your pet becoming extremely sick from the supplements stop giving them and seek veterinary care.

Are omega 3s for dogs safe?

Omega 3’s are very safe for dogs and can really have an added benefit to their daily lives. However, too much of a good thing can cause lots of problems for your furry friend. If you give extremely high dosages or your dog eats a whole bag of their fatty acid treats, you may notice some gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting and diarrhea. If given at extremely high dosages for a long period of time, Omega 3's can cause problems with blood clotting or other immune system dysfunctions. Most of these problems cannot be reversed. So, make sure that you are following the dosing instructions given on the package.

What are the benefits of Omega 3s?

Omega 3 fatty acids are very beneficial to dogs. Studies show that they help improve skin disorders, help with allergic conditions by decrease the over-responsive immune system, help with yeast infections, help with blood clotting, and slowing the development of certain cancers.

Different sources of Omega 3s

There are many different ways that you can give your dog Omega 3’s. A quick trip to your local health food store, pet store or favorite online retailer and you can easily find these products. Many of the oils do not contain a preservative and can spoil very quickly so it is not advised to purchase large amounts at a single time.

Salmon oil

This is a great natural source for your dog to receive. Most dogs have a hard time breaking down alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) a common type of Omega 3’s to EPA and DHA. Salmon oil provides eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) directly. This will allow your dog to receive the full amount of EPA and DHA since it is not needed to be transformed into another substance.

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Coconut oil

This is another way to give your dog Omega 3’s. Coconut oil is very high in fatty acids and has shown to help with pets digestion and skin problems. Coconut oil can come as just the oils are in tasty treats. With anything new start off with small amounts and gradually increase to the recommended dosage.

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Other supplements

Some fatty acid supplements have been made into tasty chews. These allow you to sneak a great supplement into your dog’s diet. There are also gel capsules that contain the oils that you can give to your pet. Many people will mix these oils into some tasty can food and hid the flavors, especially on a dog that may be a picky eater.

Alternatives to Omega treatments

If your dog will not eat the different types of oils with Omega 3 there are other products that have also been proven to have the benefit to help your dog with the disease that you are trying to cure. These other supplements such as CBD and Turmeric can also be used with Omega 3 fatty acids supplements.


Cannabidiol or CBD is made from the hemp plant. Recent studies show that all animals and humans have an endocannibal system. This system is responsible for homeostasis. CBD acts on this system affecting homeostasis by causing a decrease in pain and inflammation, increasing appetite, and helping with the overall well-being of the animal. While many people believe that CBD contains TCH, the psychotropic part of the plant. In all reality, CBD contains no THC. This is a great choice to give your dog to help with pain from arthritis, help with skin allergies, or aid in the treatment of a disease.

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Many people have heard of turmeric as a cooking spice. Well, this same spice has been shown to decrease inflammation in dogs. Since this spice is all natural it makes it a very safe supplement to give to your dog.

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Omega 3’s and other fatty acid supplements are great for your dog. They help with certain conditions such as decreasing pain from arthritis, helping with skin conditions and helping with your dog’s overall well-being. With dogs that are a picky eater starting off slow and working your way to a full dosage will allow your dog an easier transition to the new dietary supplements. Omega 3’s have been proven to be a great addition to dogs diets.

Meet The Author 

Dr. Sara Ochoa DVM


Since she was a little girl, Dr. Ochoa knew that her dream was to become a veterinarian. With a tremendous passion and love for animals, she is now a great source of knowledge for others. Dr. Ochoa lives happily with her husband Greg and her babies: Ruby the Schnoodle and Bam-Bam the bunny.

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