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Why Did My Dog Pee On My Bed?

A small white dog laying on a bed with green sheets

You may have just found a wet spot on your bed from where your dog had just peed. Before you get on to your fur friend for peeing on your bed, make sure that there is not a reason for this bad behavior. There are many reasons that your dog could be peeing on your bed and not because of bad behavior.

Why Did My Dog Pee On My Bed?

These are some of the most common reasons that your dog may have peed on your bed.  If you notice that your dog is peeing on your bed and this has just started to happen, make an appointment with your vet, they can help you figure out what is causing this unwanted behavior.

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infection is a common reason that your dog may all of a sudden started to pee on your bed. Most people who have a urinary tract infection wind up not able to pee, but with a dog, they actually have to opposite reaction and will pee even more. 

These bladder infections will lead to your dog peeing more, and they may even urinate on the bed.  Your veterinarian can test your dog's urine to see if there is an infection and if you will need to start putting them on antibiotics. 

Sometimes there may even be something more severe going on, causing your dog to urinate on the bed, and your veterinarian can help you figure out why.


Older females may become incontinent as they get older. The sphincters in their urinary tract that hold urine in do not work as they should. Usually, these dogs will be peeing in their sleep.  

If your dog commonly sleeps on your bed and urinates in their sleep, they may be incontinent. Your veterinarian can examine your dog and see if their issue is due to incontinence. 

There are many medications that your vet can prescribe for your dog to treat their incontinence.


symptoms of diabetes in dogs

Canines with diabetes will be drinking a large amount of water and urinating a lot. Many times, your dog will also have accidents in the house or even pee on your bed. Diabetes can be easily diagnosed at your vet’s office. They can run bloodwork to check for diabetes.

If your dog does have diabetes, it can be managed very similarly to how humans are managed with diabetes. You would give your dog shots of insulin twice a day as well as managing a strict diet to keep their blood sugar under control.

Marking territory

Sometimes your pet may urge to urinate on your bed because they want to mark their territory. This is a commonality with males or puppies. This can even happen if you get a new dog, and your older dog is jealous. By marking their territory, they are leaving their scent on your bed and claiming your bed as theirs.

The easiest way to decide if your pup is marking their territory is to look for another spot in the house. If your pup is peeing in other spots in the house as well, they are marking their territory. When canines mark their territory, they will usually just pee a very small amount.

An easy way to prevent this is to get your dog spay or neutered. If done young enough, you will prevent or change these unwanted behaviors.

Submissive Behavior

Some dogs will pee on your bed as submissive behavior. Pets who suffer from anxiety or are fearful are more commonly going to urinate in unwanted places. If they were to get very excited or easily frightened, they may pee on the bed.

This can start when your dog is a puppy and continue throughout their life. If your dog gets very excited when you get home, they may urinate at the door due to an overactive bladder Be very careful about how you get on to your dog, as sometimes that can cause them to pee again. There are many useful tips and tricks that you can try to teach your anxious and afraid dog to not pee.

How To Deal With An Anxious, Peeing Dog

If your pet has anxiety, there are many things that you can do to help decrease this. It is best to keep your pup on a regular feeding schedule. If your dog does do something wrong, be gentle when getting on to them. They can easily get their feeling hurt and could cause them to pee.

Calming supplements can help ease an anxious dog. CBD products are a very great choice to help decrease your dog's anxiety. These supplements have shown to help an animal who is suffering from anxiety and depression. CBD comes as an oil, treat, or capsule that you can give your dog every day.

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Proper training and socialization can also help keep them calm. If your canine is a submissive urinator, then start by introducing different people to them a few times a week. This can help get them to use different people around them.

Many times, taking them to dog parks or pet stores can help socialize your dog. If your dog gets excited when you come home and they urinate, try to make coming home not as excited.

There are many reasons that your pup may be urinating on your bed. While this can be very frustrating, there are many things that you can do to help these behaviors. Make an appointment with your veterinarian can examine any potential problems.

Routine bloodwork will help rule out any medical problems with your dog. If your dog is peeing on your bed due to a behavioral problem, then working with them on training and socialization will help them stop this unwanted behavior.

Supplements are also a great addition to your dog’s diet to help with these unwanted behaviors that we also recommend that you try.

Meet The Author 

Dr. Sara Ochoa DVM


Since she was a little girl, Dr. Ochoa knew that her dream was to become a veterinarian. With a tremendous passion and love for animals, she is now a great source of knowledge for others. Dr. Ochoa lives happily with her husband Greg and her babies: Ruby the Schnoodle and Bam-Bam the bunny.

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