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Spread the love to your dog but can dogs eat peanut butter spread?

Fluffy White Dog Licking Peanut Butter off a spoon

Most people love peanut butter, and millions of children can testify to the fact that when they were little, they ate peanut butter sandwiches. Some love it with jam, some with delicious maple syrup or honey. And you probably have had your dog or cat looking longingly at the jar, hoping you will share this delight with them. It’s used for heaps of things too, from shaving cream, to cleaning leather, to trap mice, cockroaches, and ants, or to eliminate squeaks, and much more.

But what about Fido?

People say peanut butter has health benefits so that must mean your dog can eat it too, can’t he? We know that peanut butter has health benefits, but this doesn’t mean it is entirely safe to use for your dog. Why so? Did you know that some kinds of peanut butter, with all the new health crazes we are going through in recent times, has xylitol added into it? You must have heard of Xylitol before and it’s poisonous to your dog. As a sugar substitute, you will find it in breath mints, sugarless gums, chewable vitamins, toothpaste, etc. It might be safe for humans to eat but it can be very, very toxic for your dog. Studies report that xylitol is a hundred times more toxic than chocolate! With the health craze to cut back on sugar, xylitol is being used as the substitute, and it is poisoning our pets!

Xylitol in peanut butter for dogs is a deadly combination

Old Blue Eyed Dog Licking Its Snout

If you stay up to date on the latest news in dog health, you've likely heard of xylitol and accidental dog poisoning on the rise in the United States - caused by xylitol.

This sugar substitute is often found in many baked goods and candies too and we have heard how much more toxic it is than chocolate for a dog. Having a home free from xylitol is the way to go if you want to prevent your dog from accidentally eating this dangerous ingredient.

What happens to your dog when he ingests xylitol poison isn’t good news at all. There is a rapid release of insulin and this quickly leads on to a massive decrease in your dog’s blood sugar levels. Your dog could develop hypoglycemia which can be life-threating to him if it is not treated straight away. You could expect to notice symptoms from anywhere between 10-60 minutes after your dog has ingested Xylitol. Look out for these symptoms:

  • Collapsing
  • Weakness
  • Staggering
  • Lack of coordination
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures

If these symptoms occur, get your dog to the vet immediately if you suspect he has ingested xylitol.

brown dog licking peanut butter off their tongue

Just, fortunately, there are some brands of peanut butter which do not contain xylitol or palm oil for that matter. Apart from xylitol and palm oil, let’s have a look at peanut butter a bit more so that owners of dogs can be aware of it for their dogs:

Peanut butter can cause an allergic reaction in your dog. Pet owners need to be aware of this. If your dog is allergic to peanut butter it will show up with these symptoms:

  • Itching
  • Skin Irritations
  • Chronic and recurring ear infections
  • Thinning coat
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss

The fats in peanut butter become harmful to a dog. after the peanut butter has been on the shelves for a long time. The whole process results in trans-fatty acids, which is toxic to your dog.

Most of us know that peanut butter, too, is not a low-calorie food. This means that if your dog suffers from weight issues, the vet might advise you to skip out on giving your dog peanut butter treats, even if you are buying the ultimate best for your dog.

    Are there benefits of peanut butter for your dog?

    Chihuahua with peanut butter stuck on the roof of its mouth

    Given in moderation, peanut butter can prove to be beneficial for your dog:

    It’s a great source of protein

    Protein is a top priority for your dog and peanut butter has protein in it, so essential for building and repairing muscles. Protein provides the necessary energy and also protects a dog’s immune system.

    It’s got healthy fats

    These healthy fats are necessary for maintaining function and health for your dog. A weakened immune system, diabetes, and heart disease can arise when insufficient healthy fats are included in your dog’s diet, let alone dry, itchy skin.

    Much like Coconut oil!

    It’s got essential vitamins in it

    Peanut butter has good supplies of vitamin E and vitamin B, plus niacin.

    Make your own unsalted, natural, organic peanut butter for your best friend

    Black and Brown dog licking with a black background

    You can find a peanut butter that is unsalted, natural and organic. Try and stay away from non-natural peanut butter when you are thinking about your dog, because some of them contain pesticides and herbicides in them – this could inadvertently cause your dog some harm. When you just can’t seem to find only the best for your dog, then you will straight away brighten at the prospect that you can make your own! It won’t have any added sugar either. Here’s how:

    Homemade Peanut butter


    • 1 1/2 cup unsalted, roasted peanuts
    • 1 tsp. honey or molasses (optional)


    • Just add all the ingredients to your food processor and blend until you have the desired consistency

    Remember, peanut butter is a food complement, it isn’t a meal replacement

    Chocolate Lab Licking its Lips

    A good rule of thumb when it comes to your dog and treats is that the treats shouldn’t make up more than around 10% of his diet. Just feeding small amounts of peanut butter can be a great addition to what should be a balanced dog food diet, but it should not form a substantial part of your dog’s meal. Generally speaking, small dogs shouldn’t get more than ½-tablespoon of peanut butter per day. Larger dogs shouldn’t get more than about 1-tablespoon a day.

    At some holistic vets, you can buy peanut butter that has been infused with CBD oil – doesn’t that sound amazing?



    From $49.99

    Bottom line – can dogs eat peanut butter?

    We all want the very best for our dogs and when it comes to treats as peanut butter should be, then moderation is the key. But more importantly, knowing exactly what the treat comprises of is paramount. It is heartbreaking to hear of pet owners feeding their dogs’ delicious peanut butter treats without realizing they are poisoning their friend. It’s not for Fido to know what he needs to eat – you as the owner need to do your homework and read the labels! It can make a huge difference between having your pet around with you for a long time or not – you make the choice.

    For More SitStay Works Check Out

    Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter? By: Molly Boman

    Molly Boman
    Molly enjoys writing in her spare time and is an ardent lover of animals and nature! When she gets the chance to be in the great outdoors she also loves watching her grandchildren play with her pups!

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