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Cold Weather and Dogs: How to Help Your Pup This Winter

Cold weather and dogs

Winter can bring some harsh weather that can cause harm to any dog this season, and there are certain things you should do to help your pets. Cold weather and dogs sometimes makes for a dangerous combination just like hot weather, and many owners are unaware what to do in some situations. First we will cover some basics about what dogs are better in the cold and then we will cover tips on how to keep your dog safe this winter.

What dogs are good in the cold?

Cold weather and dogs

There are certain dogs that thrive in a snowy cold environment like the husky for example but there are also dogs like the chihuahua that need a little extra TLC during these colder days. When looking at these dogs it can be obvious why one is better in the cold than the other.

Huskies are a thick coated large muscular dog that was bred to be in the northern snowy weather, Chihuahuas are smaller sometimes short haired breeds that don't have enough body mass to keep them warm when the temperature drops. There are many dog breeds and some are better than others in a colder environment.  

Bigger, longer haired dogs are better when it comes to cold weather and this should be taken into account when deciding if your dog needs that extra sweater this winter.

Cold weather and dogs is not all based on if the dog is bigger or furrier though and all dogs can be in danger in certain situations. It is important to observe your dog's behavior to make sure they seem ok in these harsher environments. There are also certain things you should do this winter to help keep your dog safe from nature.

Cold weather and dogs

Cold weather and dogs

One of the more common dangers during the cold weather is not even the cold or snow but rather the chemicals used to get rid of it. Antifreeze and snow salt are both toxic to animals and can cause serious problems if ingested. Some dogs can get these chemicals on their paws legs and bellies during a walk then lick them up once they get home. It is important to wipe down your dog after a snowy walk to make sure they are chemical free.   

Just like humans, cold weather and dogs can lead to problems like frostbite and hypothermia if not careful. Though they may look silly or cute dog boots and sweaters can really help prevent injury to your dogs paws and skin while also making them more comfortable in the cold weather. Make sure to not keep these on a dog if not necessary as they could become gross for the dogs skin, also make sure to adjust the size to fit for best results.

Everyone knows that cars are dangerous in hot weather and can cause serious harm to any dog stuck inside, this is the same for cold weather. Cars when left in the cold become ice boxes and can get too cold to stay in without any form of protection. Sure with blankets and sweaters it can become bearable but our furry friends without any protection can become seriously ill or worse if left in a car over the winter.  

Cold weather and dogs

Some dogs are outdoor dogs and this is ok if they are taken care of properly. For outdoor dogs it is incredibly important to have shelter with a floor that is off the ground to preserve heat. Along with this you should face the entrance away from any winds present to make sure it is safe to stay in. A healthy diet is important for these dogs to have the energy and body mass for the winter. It is also wise to make sure your dog has fresh water often as it can freeze and leave your dog without anything to drink. Space heaters can be dangerous in these confined areas and cause burns on the dogs skin, some heating pads are made for outdoor dogs but should be monitored as these can also cause harm to a dogs skin.

A normal walk can become dangerous in cold weather for both the dog and the owner, make sure to be cautious and aware of what is around. Ice on a sidewalk can lead to slipping and can cause injury if not careful. Also try to avoid frozen water as some dogs can fall through leading to potential harm to them and the owner if the owner tries to save them. It is a good idea to have a good leash and collar during the winter to prevent any mishaps down the road.

If you want to avoid some of these situations from even being a possibility it may be wise to exercise your dog indoors. Though it may be harder to figure out what to do it can also be super fun to have an exercise moment inside that is new for your dog. Check out these ideas on what you can do to exercise your dog indoors this winter.

Cold weather and dogs

Cold weather and dogs can be a harsh time to handle in some cases and should not be taken lightly. It is important to monitor your dog to make sure they are staying healthy this winter and try some of the tips we shared. If you have any other advice for dog owners this winter feel free to comment and share this post so everyone's dogs can be a little bit safer. It is also a good idea to get a check up at the veterinarian to make sure your dogs health is top notch for the colder temperatures coming!

Meet The Author 

Grant Withers

Canine Specialist & Writer

Grant is an award-winning writer for SitStay with a passion for pets and especially dogs! Grant loves writing about furry little goofballs and aims to educate pet parents about anything and everything regarding their dogs.

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