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How to Give CBD Drops to Dogs

A brown and white chihuahua holding a purple flower in his mouth. Sitting next to two bowls of yellow flowers and pink flowers.

CBD is a new supplement that has recently gained lots of attention among pet owners. Many people are trying this new supplement on their dogs with lots of success. Many pet owners are now wondering how to give CBD drops to their dogs.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is a supplement that is derived from the hemp plant. CBD does not contain THC. THC is the part of the plant that causes the psychogenic state. CBD works on the endocannibal system in the body to help maintain homeostasis and help with the overall wellbeing of your dog. This safe and beneficial supplement can help your dog in many different ways. There is a very minimal side effect of taking this every day. CBD products can help with many chronic diseases that your dog may be suffering from.

How to give CBD Oil to a dog

CBD comes in many different forms. There are oils with and without flavors, treats, and infused products. When first starting to give your dog CBD products, you may have to try many different methods to figure out what works best for your dog.

Tinctures directly to the mouth

Oil tinctures can be put directly into your dog’s mouth. This can be the easiest way to make sure that your dog is getting all of the CBD oil. Many of the oils come in different flavors. Try different flavors until you find one that your dog likes

Flavorless CBD Oil for picky dogs

Some dogs can be very picky, and you may never find a flavor that they like. Then it would be best to use the flavorless oils.

Put it on a treat

A brown and tan dog sitting in a green field.

If your dog is giving you a hard time when trying to put the oils directly into their mouths, you can put a few drops of the oils on a treat. The oils will leak into the treats, and when your dog eats the treats, they are also taking their CBD oils. Some dogs prefer this method because they are also getting a taste treat.

Mix it with their food

You can also put the oils on top of your pet's food. If your dog eats wet food mixing a few drops in with the food will help hid bad taste that your dog does not like. Some dogs have a perfect sense of smell and can find even a few drops in their food. If this is the case using infused products would be best.

Find a CBD infused product

CBD oils also come as infused products. They are usually infused into a dog treat or chew. Dogs love these tasty treats and do not even know that the CBD oil is in the treat. This is a great way to sneak this great supplement to your pet without them knowing that they are taking it.

Benefits of using CBD Oil

CBD products have been shown to have many added benefits. They are great to use to help your pets along with traditional medications and sometimes instead of traditional medication. If your pet is suffering from pain and inflammation or anxiety, CBD is a great product to give to your dog on a daily basis.

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Reduces anxiety

CBD has been shown to help dogs with anxiety. CBD is a great supplement to use if your be is anxious when going to the veterinarian's office or during fireworks or thunderstorms. Some dogs may be anxious on a long car ride, and CBD can help keep them calm during all of these stressful situations.

Reduces pain in joints

One of the first uses for CBD in pets was to treat pain associated with arthritis. If your dog is suffering from joint pain, CBD is a great supplement to give your dog. This supplement helps decrease the pain in the joints and helps your pet move around much more comfortable.

Reduces inflammation

CBD products also help reduce inflammation in the body. Not just joint inflammation but whole-body inflammation. If your dog recently had surgery, CBD can help decrease the swelling around the surgery site. It can also help with skin inflammation due to seasonal allergies. There are many great uses for CBD products.

Where to buy good CBD Oil

There are many places to purchase CBD products. You can buy them online or most health food stores. Make sure that the CBD products that you buy are tested by third parties that state precisely what is in the product. This helps t to make sure you are purchasing products that contain CBD.

CBD comes in many different forms. No matter which forms you purchase your dog can significantly benefit from uses CBD products. It may take a few different tries to find out which one your dog likes, but once you do, using CBD products on a daily basis will help your dog live a healthy and happy life. 

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A picture of author Dr. Sara Ochoa DVM

Dr. Sara Ochoa DVM
Since she was a little girl, she knew that her dream was to become a veterinarian. With a tremendous passion and love for animals that makes her a great source of knowledge for others. She lives happily with her husband Greg and her babies Ruby the Schnoodle, and Bam-Bam the bunny.

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